20 August 2006

Work, Work and Work (www)

It should be not the reasons that the blog is not being updated for so long..but I'm too busy after getting new boss with her new roadmap in mind and being transfer to totally new job scope. (Email administration)...fuyoo...nothing related to multimedia anymore.

But i still have time to do some modeling. Almost 7 months i done a few model and playing around with modo 202 dan silo 1.42 demo.

My animation project still alive. but the progress is very slow indeed. I managed to add some more know-how into my head, especially regarding LW. FYI, here are my skill in doing 3D related jobs.
  • Modelling 70% + Texturing 20 % + rigging 5% +Lighting 5 % +Camera 1% +NLA 2% + Rendering 1%
In the mean time...i'm done some finishing to official website, almost 90 %. Still searching for catchy domain name..that can reflect website concept.

I promise farid to park this website at his server. He had a business related to Domain and server things. When i finalize the front page...i will show to you all.InsyaAllah.

When i'm thinking again...i got some idea to create video training cd for wings3d...at least it can be used to pay the server bill...hope this can be realize in this coming month.


  1. Very nice spaceship!
    I love the style. Clean mesh as well.

  2. Anonymous5:30 PM

    wahhh....nice design..!
